Select Sitetype

Cowlitz 1

Site just below the highway on Loop B.
Maximum Motorhome length = No RV
Maximum Trailer Length = No RV
Parking Pad dimension = 16x26
Tent pad ONE = 10x12

Cowlitz 2

Center site in three Cowlitz campsite, very close to both.
Maximum Motorhome length = No RV
Maximum Trailer Length = No RV
Parking Pad dimension = 12x24
Tent pad ONE = 8x8

Cowlitz 3

Very close to Cowlitz 2.
Maximum Motorhome length = 32
Maximum Trailer Length = 27
Parking Pad dimension = 12x44
Tent pad ONE = 10x12

Cowlitz 4 - B2

on the "corner" of the loop and has the following dimensions:
Driveway is 27 ft in length
Max trailer 15 ft
Max RV 20 ft
Tent pad is 8x8

Cowlitz 5 -B3

Site B 3 is right above B2 and has the following dimensions:
Driveway is 16 ft in length
Max RV is 15 ft
Tent Pad is 8x10

Cowlitz 6 -B05

Driveway length 32 feet. Max vehicle length 30 ft. Max vehicles: 2. Tent pad 6x6 feet

Cowlitz 7-B08

Tent Pad 10 x 12 feet. Back-in driveway. Two vehicles. Max vehicle length 32 ft. Gravel driveway. RV up to 32 feet.

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