About Elk River Recreation District
Located above and behind Gazebo Park, turn right onto spur road just before gazebo park and just after CPTPA
outhouse restrooms
picnic tables and firerings at each site
12 sites in Lower
6 sites in Upper
Sites 25, 26, 27 & 28 are for small campers and tents only
# 29, 35 are for medium size campers without pop outs
The 30 Loop - sites 30 -34 is a "group" site
36 & 39 can accomodate larger campers with pop outs
37 and 38 is a large site, however, it is difficult to get medium and large campers down into the site, but can accomodate large or multiple campers
40 Loop - site 40, 41 & 42 is a "group" site